Your Anxious/Avoidant Relationship Questions, Answered!

Описание к видео Your Anxious/Avoidant Relationship Questions, Answered!

When anxious meets avoidant, things get complicated. These two can bring out the most wounded and challenging sides of each other… but they can also help each other heal and grow.

Understanding yourself and your partner is the first step in creating positive change in your relationship, regardless of your attachment style. This week’s live stream will open your eyes to the anxious-avoidant dance, and show you the path to breaking free.

Join me Thursday, April 18, at 12pm MT, 2pm ET. And if you have questions for me, or want to get a fresh perspective into YOUR relationship dynamics, leave your Qs in the comments!

I can’t wait to hear what’s on your mind.


Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby


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