What are the consequences of drink driving?

Описание к видео What are the consequences of drink driving?

Drink driving can have a lasting effect on those involved.

Road traffic accident lawyer, Steve Hill, discusses the very real consequences of drink driving that you might not have realised.

If you require legal advice, contact the road traffic accidents solicitors at Slater and Gordon Lawyers for a free consultation on freephone 0800 916 9049 or contact us online at https://www.slatergordon.co.uk/person...


We have drink driving laws for a reason. We act all day for people who suffer very serious injuries, fatalities, life-changing events because they’ve been hit by a car. Some of those things are avoidable. If the person behind the wheel hadn’t had a drink would they have reacted that little bit faster? From the point of view of the person who’s caused the accident, they don’t walk away from these things lightly either. It’s a criminal offence to drink and drive. There are serious consequences of doing it. Even if you don’t hurt somebody you can be fined up to £5,000, you can lose your licence.

There’s two big issues about drinking and driving: the first is having a drink and driving home on the night of the event; the second is the morning after the event when you still have alcohol in your system. Research shows that alcohol always lowers motor skills, it always has an impact upon your judgement and, even in small quantities, this can be a dangerous thing. The legal limit for alcohol is 80mg of alcohol for every 100ml of blood. The first time that you may know that you’re over the drink drive limit is when you’re blowing into the police breathalyser about to receive your driving ban and points on your licence. Don’t take the risk.


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