.NET 8 CraftIQ.Inventory part 2, Efficient APIs with REPR Pattern and EF Core Migration

Описание к видео .NET 8 CraftIQ.Inventory part 2, Efficient APIs with REPR Pattern and EF Core Migration

In this second part of our CraftIQ.Inventory microservice series, we dive deeper into the implementation details. Following our design phase, we move on to the practical aspects of creating the database for the microservice.

We start by applying Entity Framework Core migration to create the database schema in SQL Server. Then, we demonstrate how to add an application database context with all the necessary database sets for our microservice.

Additionally, we delve into the implementation REPR pattern using the huzcodes.Endpoints package. This pattern simplifies the process of defining endpoints for our microservice, providing a structured and efficient approach to defining API endpoints and handling requests without traditional controllers. We demonstrate how to create endpoints for querying and manipulating data in our database, showcasing the power and flexibility of the Repr pattern in building robust and scalable API services.

Join us as we bring the CraftIQ.Inventory microservice to life, from design to implementation, and explore the power of Entity Framework Core and the Repr pattern in building robust and scalable applications.

GitHub Repository: https://github.com/huzcodes/CraftIQ.I...


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