Harvesting Vegetables from the Garden in Tamil | காய்கறி அறுவடை | Steffi Ulagam

Описание к видео Harvesting Vegetables from the Garden in Tamil | காய்கறி அறுவடை | Steffi Ulagam

In this video join me in our garden for harvesting some vegetables and fruits. We really like growing plants and it is very relaxing. We have some annual vegetables, fruit trees and berry bushes. Alandra also has a lot of fun picking fruits directly from the tree. I highly encourage everybody to try gardening and grow something beautiful. Plants only need light, water, air and patience.

#steffiulagam #steffivlogsintamil #steffigardentour

Friends, hope you will grow some plants at your house too. I wish you all the best and happy gardening!


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