Undivided INTEREST: 5 Things You Should Know

Описание к видео Undivided INTEREST: 5 Things You Should Know

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When you think of owning real estate, you probably think of owning it with complete interest.

That is, the land has just one owner, and the process of buying, selling, and making decisions is relatively uncomplicated.

Yet, it’s more common than people think to have multiple owners for one piece of land.

For instance, related or unrelated business partners, heirs of land, or a married couple can all hold land together.

All of these relationships create a scenario where you may have more than one owner of a property, and co-ownership can quickly become complicated.

Whether you’ve opted for co-ownership (marriage or business) or it’s been thrust upon you (inheritance), it’s important to know how sharing real estate can impact your ability to act.

Particularly when undivided interest comes into play.

So, in this video, we’re talking about undivided interests, what they are, and how you can free yourself from them if necessary.

Keep watching to learn more!

Disclaimer: we are not lawyers, accountants or financial advisors and the information in this video is for informational purposes only. This video is based on our own research and experience and, while we do our best to keep it accurate and up-to-date, but it may contain errors. Please be sure to consult a legal or financial professional before making any investment or purchasing decisions.


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