The Kenner Predator Tribe Explained

Описание к видео The Kenner Predator Tribe Explained

The Kenner Predator toys were original creations not seen in the movies from the action-figure line from the 90’s made by the toy company of the same name – Kenner.
Though since their original releases, some have been adapted into the comic books, and have had modern recreations of the characters released later on by the toy company NECA with vastly improved sculpting and detail, as well as more advanced articulation, and paint application.

Cracked Tusk
An Elder known for mentoring Young Bloods in harsh conditions and environments. He was a member (and possible leader) of a tribe of Yautja guarding an Engineer Juggernaut derelict on the planet LV-797, eventually encountering a platoon of Marines from the combat ship Hasdrubal.
After engaging in multiple skirmishes with the invaders, the Cracked Tusk Predator accidentally immobilised himself, and was gunned down by a Colonial Marine.

Hive Wars
The Hive Wars Predator originally hailed from an unknown tribe that partook in a Xenomorph hunt on Xenomorph Prime. The hunt was a disaster, leaving him the sole-survivor. Stranded with limited supplies, he crafted unique weapons using the wreckage of his crashed vessel, specifically a large scythe, and managed to survive on the planet for an indeterminate period of time.
He was eventually rescued and became a member of the tribe of hunters that guarded an Engineer Juggernaut derelict on the planet LV-797, eventually encountering a platoon of Marines, where he finally met his end.

Lava Planet Predator
A descendant of a rare tribe that inhabited the lethal volcanic regions of Yautja Prime. They wear specialised masks and their cloaking technology is highly advanced and nearly always active as a protective electromagnetic field against the radiation, though visible undulations of skin and armour are constantly moving and shifting amongst the fiery red landscape these Predators occupy. Lava Clan warriors carry specialised weaponry specific for hunting the Vy’drach insectoids of the desert. This is a rite of passage for most common Yautja warriors, but for the Lava clan, it is a way of life

Nightstorm Predator
Also known as the Scarab Predator, he was a Super Predator Elder and progenitor of the feud between the Yautja and Super Predators.
he possessed blue eyes and skin, and donned gold-plated armour. He was armed with elongated Wristblades, a customized Combistick, a golden Plasmacaster and a golden anubis-themed Bio-mask.
Very little is known about him beyond his presence on Earth 4000 years ago, partaking in one of the first Earthly Xenomorph hunts in Ancient Egypt among his Yautja cousins. However, he disapproved of the Yautja Honor Code, believing it allowed prey far too much leeway. Thus, he departed from his lesser cousins to form his own faction, desiring to unite all Super Predators under his own leadership. He subsequently warred with the Yautja, his status cemented as a legendary Elder who only hunted the most worthy of adversaries.[4] In Jungle Hunter culture, Nightstorm is considered a 'devil'.[5]

Scavage Predator
A descendant of the ancient Super Predator Nightstorm, Scavage was a half-breed raised in a small Yautja village. His mixed blood was a cause of contention amongst his Yautja brethren, as although he was an honorable hunter who followed his other-halves' code, he also held a deep reverence for his Super Predator ancestor, forging his equipment after his likeness. As a result, Scavage became a nomadic loner, and barely affiliated himself with other clans. However, he would partake in hunts alongside other Yautja he greatly respected, namely Cracked Tusk.

Spiked Tail
Spiked Tail Predator was an old Yautja of considerable age. Banished from Yautja Prime for his use of illegal weapons in hunts, he and his tribe of fellow Bad Bloods scoured the galaxy for worthy targets for biomechanical enhancements, desiring to hunt artificial prey rather than organic beings.
Utilising stolen technology after tricking Lost Hunter into a heist job on Yautja Prime, the tribe have since been able to travel across the galaxy farther than most Yautja.
It was rumoured that the artificial trophies he kept were actually used as augmentations to keep himself stable.

Stalker Predator
Residing near the southern pole of Yautja Prime, Stalker uses his night vision technology to hunt alongside the Night Hunter Clan in coordinated attacks against their much larger prey.
As a result of environmental adaptation to his mostly darkened surroundings, Stalker is able to use his natural translucent skin as a source of light and does not require a cloaking device. Due to the clan's isolation from most of Yautja Prime, Stalker hunts mostly for survival rather than sport.


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