Malwarebytes Free Antivirus Review | Malwarebytes Free Review + Pros & Cons

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Malwarebytes Free Antivirus Review | Malwarebytes AntiMalware Pros & Cons
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Hello Friends!!

Welcome to your YouTube Channel, NB InfoTech.
In this video, we are testing Malwarebytes Antivirus against latest malware samples.

Q. What is Threats? 🐞
A- Above malware and viruses is a larger, overarching category: threats. Threats encompass malware and also include other online threats like phishing, identity theft, SQL injection, and more.

Q. What is Malware? 🐞
A- Malware is an umbrella term covering nearly every threat a connected computer or mobile device may face. It includes all of the following.
It includes Virus, Trojan, worm, Backdoor, Exploit, Adware, Potentially Unwanted Programs (PUP).

While all computer viruses are malware, not all malware are viruses. Viruses are just one type of malware.

Q. What is Virus? 🐞
A- A program that, once downloaded to a system, can replicate itself. It does this by automatically modifying existing software or by inserting its own computer code.

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Q. How will I know, if my device has been infected? 💻📱
A- Your device begins running slower than usual.
You notice a shortage of available storage space.
Pop-ups and unwanted programs appear on your device.

#Malwarebytes official free download link.

If have any issue while installing Malwarebytes then use "Malwarebytes Support Tool"

In case your PC is already infected then it won't allow you to install antivirus
then first run "rkill" and then try to install Malwarebytes.

Save "rkill.exe" to your Desktop.
Double-click on rkill.exe to run it.

If ".exe" not allowed to execute then try other two below links.

Once the Rkill program has completed, then try again to run the Malwarebytes installer.

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Antivirus Reviews, Antivirus Tests, and Antivirus Comparisons of Free and Pro products.
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Till the time take care, see you in the next video.
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