CTOA Copcast - Intelligence, Terrorism and Communism w/ Phil Gurski - March 28 2023

Описание к видео CTOA Copcast - Intelligence, Terrorism and Communism w/ Phil Gurski - March 28 2023

Recorded March 28 2023


What is Borealis? 0:00
Understated threat of Communism 3:56
China's Long Game 5:30
CSIS Flow of Intelligence Information 6:15
How does CSIS work? 7:22
Intelligence vs Evidence 9:20
CSIS's on China's infiltration of Canadian Politics 12:21
How does CSIS differ from Law Enforcement in proving reliability of source information? 19:04
Releasing a suspected terrorist on a Peace Bond 22:02
Peace Bond with follow-up 24:23
The cost of a thorough investigation 26:59
Lack of education in Government Officials 28:0
Uneducated/naive citizens 29:22
What too do with Canadians who joined ISIS? 31:31
Mental Illness vs Violent Intent 33:47
Responsibility of Canada to 'former' terrorists 36:32
First Degree Murder vs Terrorism charge 37:32
The penalty for Terrorism 40:13
Canadian MP involvement in the delayed release of the Two Michaels 41:17
What can the average Canadian do? 42:58
A decline in the CBC 44:02
Selective media coverage on terrorist events 45:02
Phil's Book, The Peaceable Kingdom? A History of Terrorism in Canada from Confederation to Present Phil Gurski 47:33


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