What is Phubbing - Phone Snubbing? Is it harmful to relationships?

Описание к видео What is Phubbing - Phone Snubbing? Is it harmful to relationships?

With advances in technology we find new ways to communicate. And at times we find new ways to not communicate. Picture this for an example, you enter a room of Meeting where everyone awaits your presence and inputs but you enter that place looking into your phone replying messages, looking at social media or even an important e mail. The moment you are looking at screen and not people you say that the screen is more important than you.

Phubbing or phone snubbing is a internet slang coined by an Australian advertising agency which later found its way even into some English dictionaries. Phone snubbing is basically a form of technology interference also called Technoferrence.

As humans we thrive on emotions, bonding and connections but phubbing is exactly opposite to this. It's a form of blatant ignorance about the presence of some one in front of you.

I don't feel technology is bad but how we use it is so very important.
Social media addiction one dau may become a reality if people will not manage their screen times or WFH well.
People who are subjected to Phubbing may suffer from ignorance, feelings of being forbidden and less important. Many relationships, friendships and even business relationships are suffering due to phubbing.


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