Tito Gómez - Vereda Tropical

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Tito Gómez - Vereda Tropical

Tito Gómez, Cuban singer (born José Antonio Tenreiro Gómez on January 30, 1920 in Havana, Cuba - 16 October, 2000). Tito Gómez was nicknamed Tito by local musician Miguelito Valdés. In 1938, José Antonio Tenreiro Gómez came in first place after participating in a Cuban contest, called La Corte Suprema del Arte (Supreme Art Court), joining the Sevilla Biltmore Orquesta soon after. In 1939, Gómez started singing for Orquesta Riverside, having his breakthrough after recording the hit "Vereda Tropical," composed by Mexican Gonzalo Curiel. Orquesta Riverside became enormously popular through performances on radio, television and at theaters and nightclub cabarets. During the 1970s, he sang with La Orquesta Jorrín, led by Enrique Jorrín, inventor of the cha-cha-chá. He later went solo. Gómez adds a personal, Cuban flavor to the canciones, sones, and guarachas in his repertoire. Tito Gómez epitomized the very best of the vocalists fronting the greatest orchestras of the genre.

To listen to and/or purchase Tito Gomez's "Antologia Cubana" go to:

To listen to and/or purchase Tito Gomez y Riverside Orchestra's "Don Tito Gómez" go to:

Also visit http://www.HavanaNewYork.com your guide to Cuban music & more...


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