Why Are Narcissists Attracted To Super Empaths?

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Why Are Narcissists Attracted To Super Empaths?

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Most of the time, narcissists are always attracted to the super empath, and the reason is not far-fetched. An empath is a person with compassion and understanding towards people, while a narcissist is a natural taker that thrives on people bowing to all their needs. This might seem like a perfect match, the empath an all-time giver while the narcissist an all-time taker, but this is not a good match because the empath always forgives the narcissist's excesses, while the narcissist continues to do more without regards for the empath well-being. This often ends up in the empath being used and discarded while the narcissist creates more trouble.


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Tommy Boutros

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"Empath: A Complete Guide for Developing Your Gift and Finding Your Sense of Self" by Judy Dyer :

"Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength" by Laurie Helgoe PhD:

"Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking" by Susan Cain :


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