A Raven Among Butterflies [Sims 2 Machinima]

Описание к видео A Raven Among Butterflies [Sims 2 Machinima]

This is my contest entry for Jenesse and Oritasho's machinima contest. I only recently started working with the sims two, and have found out why machinima is so popular. The idea spurred from the sounds of the song I chose, "Weight of the World" by Patrick Watson, an artist who's voice I vividly admire.

The story is kind of merky and the theme I suppose would be mystique/entrancement... basically there's a striking young lad who is attending this masquerade ball in the middle of a wooded forest. The time period is sort of unexplained, but inspired by the "A Series of Unfortunate Events" film, where the setting looked sort of 1920's/30's but it was at the same time modern. Anyway, the man is entranced by a woman who attends the ball in a raven mask, contradicting the rest of the party in butterfly ones. He becomes determined to meet this masked woman only to end up in a confusing and misleading maze of rooms. In the end, he ends up in a cell with two of the raven's previous victims... who lie on the floor, near death, withering away like butterflies would.

Alas, that's all I've got to say! Thanks so much for the opportunity!


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