Air Fry Thousand Layer Peanut Puff Pastry Recipe (花生千層酥) with Papa Fung

Описание к видео Air Fry Thousand Layer Peanut Puff Pastry Recipe (花生千層酥) with Papa Fung

This recipe is for peanut lovers. The flaky puff pastry is infused with peanutty goodness. It’s light and crispy, making it hard to resist.

0:00 Intro
00:17​ Part 1: Water Dough
1:24​ Part 2: Peanut Dough
2:28 Part 3: Assembly
4:59​ Finale

This recipe makes 26 bars [製成二十六塊

Water Dough [水皮]
100g All Purpose Flour [中筋麵粉]
100g Pastry Flour [低筋麵粉]
40g Lard [人造豬油]
20g Sugar [糖]
120ml Water [水]

Peanut Dough [花生油酥]
120g Peanut Butter [花生醬]
80g Icing Sugar [糖粉]
100g Lard [人造豬油]
200g Pastry Flour [低筋麵粉]
2g Baking Powder [發粉]
Some Salt [鹽]

Dough [粉料]
1. Water Dough: Combine all purpose flour with pastry flour and sift. Create a well in the middle, add sugar and water, mix until combined, slowly mix the flour into the sugar water. If dough feels dry, add a bit more water. Once a dough has formed, add in lard, knead and slam dough for around 5mins. Wrap and let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes. [水皮製作:混合麵粉過篩,中央開穴加入糖和水,先攪勻糖再撥入粉料,如果覺得乾逐少加水,搓成粉糰加入人造豬油,搓壓和撻至不黏手,用保鮮膜包好放雪櫃放置三十分鐘。]
2. Peanut Dough: Combine pastry flour with baking powder and sift. Add in icing sugar, peanut butter, lard and some salt, knead until a dough has formed. Wrap and let it sit in the fridge for 30 minutes. [花生油酥:粉料加發粉過篩,加入糖粉和花生醬,和人造豬油攪拌均勻加少許鹽攪勻,再搓壓成粉糰包好放置在雪櫃待用。]

Assembly: [組合]
1. Roll out the water dough until it is thin. Place the peanut dough in the middle of the water dough, wrap the water dough around the peanut dough. [取水皮擀薄,取花生油酥放在中間包好。]
2. Use a rolling pin and slowly flatten the two doughs together into a rectangle. [用棒碌薄至長方型。]
3. Fold the rectangle into thirds, flatten, fold the rectangle into fourths, flatten, fold rectangle into fourths again, flatten. [將長方型摺三摺,慢慢擀薄,摺四摺,再次擀薄再次摺四摺,慢慢再碌薄。]
4. Divide it into even rectangular pieces. [平均切成長條。]
5. Separate the egg yolk and scramble the yolk. Brush egg yolk wash on the pieces and air fry for 20 minutes at 360°F. [排放焗盤掃上蛋液,預熱至360度氣炸二十分鐘。]
Music/Sound Credits:
Epidemic Sounds - 35mm by Jobii
Guitar Be-bop3 by Kaponja
Reverse Strum by Niffshack
Blip Plock Pop by Onikage22
5.5.16 by InspectorJ
Fujifilm XT3
Fujifilm XF80mm F2.8
Fujifilm XF 35mm F1.4
DJI Osmo 3
Vanguard Alta Pro 263AB Tripod


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