The Grand Budapest Hotel - The Making Of

Описание к видео The Grand Budapest Hotel - The Making Of

The Grand Budapest Hotel
Set in the fictional war-torn European country Zubrowka in 1932, 1968, and 1985, The Grand Budapest Hotel tells the story and friendship of two people: M. Gustave (Fiennes), a concierge, and Zero (Revolori), the lobby boy, as they team up for several misadventures while trying to prove the concierge's innocence after ...
Story by‎: ‎Wes Anderson‎; ‎Hugo Guinness Produced by‎: ‎Wes Anderson‎; ‎Scott Rudin‎; ‎Ste...
Music by‎: ‎Alexandre Desplat Box office‎: ‎$172.9 million


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