Man Vs A.i Mobile Legends gameplay Day 80 with Edith.3/09/2024.

Описание к видео Man Vs A.i Mobile Legends gameplay Day 80 with Edith.3/09/2024.

Day 80 of Man Vs A.i mobile Legends gameplay series with our hero edith.Edith is a unique character in Mobile Legends who functions as a hybrid Tank/Marksman, making her stand out with her versatile playstyle. She is composed of two entities: Edith herself and her mechanical companion, Phylax. When in her normal form, she pilots Phylax, a powerful robotic suit, which enables her to function as a tank. However, she can also switch to her Marksman form, where Edith dismounts from Phylax and wields a powerful cannon to unleash ranged attacks.

Phylax Form (Tank Mode): Phylax is a large, bulky, and imposing mechanical suit that Edith pilots. It is heavily armored, with a color scheme that often includes shades of metal gray, blue, and glowing accents. The suit has a futuristic, robotic design with large limbs and a core that Edith is seated within. Phylax's design is inspired by high-tech mechs with an emphasis on durability and strength.

Edith Form (Marksman Mode): When dismounted from Phylax, Edith reveals her true self. She appears as a young woman with short, white hair, sharp features, and a focused expression. Her outfit is sleek and tactical, reflecting her ability to engage enemies from a distance. She wields a powerful energy cannon that she uses to deal significant ranged damage.

Passive – Overload:

When in Phylax mode, Edith's skills will apply the Overload effect to nearby enemies, dealing magic damage to them. This passive allows her to continuously harass opponents, especially in close-range combat. It also scales with her ability power, making it more potent as she builds magic items.
Skill 1 – Earth Shatter:

Phylax Mode: Edith slams Phylax's fist into the ground, causing a shockwave that travels forward. The shockwave deals physical damage and knocks up enemies in its path, making it an excellent tool for crowd control and disrupting the enemy team.
Edith Mode: This skill becomes Divine Retribution, where Edith fires a blast of energy in a targeted direction, dealing magic damage to enemies hit. It’s a straightforward but effective attack in Marksman mode.
Skill 2 – Onward:

Phylax Mode: Edith charges forward with Phylax, grabbing and dragging the first enemy hero hit. At the end of the charge, she throws the enemy in the specified direction, dealing physical damage and stunning them upon impact. This skill is perfect for initiating fights or isolating key targets.
Edith Mode: In Marksman mode, this skill changes to Lightning Bolt. Edith fires a bolt of lightning in a targeted direction, dealing magic damage and stunning the first enemy hero hit. This skill provides a long-range option for stunning and damaging enemies.
Ultimate – Primal Wrath:

Phylax Mode: Edith unleashes Primal Wrath, which dispels all crowd control effects on herself and enters the Wrath mode (Marksman mode). Upon activation, she gains a shield based on her lost HP, and her attack speed, movement speed, and basic attacks are enhanced. She then dismounts from Phylax, transitioning into her ranged Marksman mode.
Edith Mode: Once activated, Edith’s basic attacks deal magic damage, and her attack speed and movement speed are significantly increased. This transformation allows her to switch from a defensive tank to an offensive damage dealer, providing flexibility depending on the situation in the match.
Edith is incredibly versatile due to her ability to switch between a tanky initiator and a high-damage Marksman. In the early game, she can soak up damage and control enemies in the front line using Phylax's crowd control abilities. As the game progresses and when she activates her ultimate, she can shift into Marksman mode, dealing high sustained damage from a distance.

Her skill set requires players to be adaptable, understanding when to engage as a tank and when to switch to dealing damage as a Marksman. Edith excels in team fights, where she can disrupt the enemy's formation, isolate key targets, and then switch to Marksman mode to clean up surviving enemies.

This dual-mode mechanic makes Edith a powerful and unpredictable hero in Mobile Legends, capable of turning the tide of battle when played effectively.


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