EP.35 吃不到葡萄的狐狸/The Fox Who Couldn’t Get The Grapes

Описание к видео EP.35 吃不到葡萄的狐狸/The Fox Who Couldn’t Get The Grapes

小朋友、大朋友久等了,謝謝大家耐心等候。如果需要完整逐字稿PDF文字檔或想知道更多關於每集的英語小知識,請追蹤Bear老師的FB「Bear老師的中英雙語故事」或 IG「bear.bilingual」。

Hello,this is teacher Bear。我是Bear老師。

小朋友,你聽過「酸葡萄心理」嗎(Have you heard of "sour grapes")?還有一句話說「吃不到葡萄說葡萄酸」(There is a saying, "That’s just sour grapes.")。這到底是什麼意思呢?讓Bear老師來說給你聽(What does this mean? Let me tell you)。

在一個很熱的夏天,有一隻正在四處尋找食物的狐狸(In a very hot summer, there was a fox who was looking for food everywhere),牠努力找啊找,終於在不遠處發現了一棵葡萄樹(He searched hard and finally found a grapevine not far away)。當狐狸走近這棵葡萄樹,看到樹上結滿了一串串葡萄(When the fox approached the vine and saw the bunches of grapes),狐狸心想(the fox thought):「哇!這葡萄看起來實在香甜可口!(Wow! These grapes look really sweet and delicious!)」狐狸看著葡萄,忍不住一直流口水(The fox looked at the grapes and his mouth couldn't help watering)。狐狸努力地往上跳,往上跳,不停地將前爪伸直,卻連葡萄的邊邊都碰不到(The fox tried to jump up, and reached with his front paws, but he couldn't even get close to the grapes)。狐狸心想(the fox thought):「這棵葡萄樹太高了…怎麼辦呢(This vine is too tall… what should I do)?好吧!我再多試幾次(all right! I will try again)!一定要吃到那美味的葡萄(I must eat those delicious grapes)!」狐狸繼續一直跳啊,跳啊(The fox kept jumping and jumping)。時間慢慢地過去了,樹上的鳥兒看見狐狸努力想吃葡萄卻吃不到的樣子,都忍不住笑了起來(Time passed, and the birds on the tree couldn't help laughing when they saw the fox trying hard to eat the grapes but couldn't)。狐狸覺得好丟臉啊,因此,牠假裝不在乎地說(The fox felt so ashamed, so he pretended not to care and said):「哼!這葡萄一定還沒熟,肯定很酸(Huh! These grapes must be unripe, they must be very sour)!我才不吃呢(I won't eat them)。」就這樣,狐狸只好餓著肚子離開了(Eventually, the fox left hungry)。

小朋友,如果你是那隻狐狸,你會怎麼做呢(If you were the fox, what would you do)?其實,如果狐狸願意勇敢地請求鳥兒的幫助,或許,牠就能吃到美味的葡萄(In fact, if the fox was willing to bravely ask the birds for help, maybe he could eat delicious grapes),而且,說不定其實鳥兒也很樂意幫助牠喔(and maybe the birds were also willing to help)。當我們的能力不夠時,常把別人的反應看得太嚴重而覺得丟臉(When we are not capable enough, we often take other people's reactions too seriously and feel ashamed),但其實這樣反而限制了自己的發展,也可能會失去很好的機會(but in fact, this limits our own development and we may miss good opportunities)。狐狸有狐狸的長處,鳥兒有鳥兒的長處(The fox has strengths, and the birds also have their own strengths)。這次,如果狐狸能請求鳥兒的幫助,將來,說不定鳥兒也有需要狐狸幫助的時候(In this situation, if the fox asked the bird for help, maybe the bird would also need the fox's help in the future)。所以,如果有一天碰到自己能力不足的情況,記得要勇敢地請求幫助(So, if one day you encounter a situation where you are not capable enough, remember to ask for help bravely);而看到別人能力不足的時候,你可以主動問問對方需不需要幫忙(and when you see that others are not capable enough, you can take the initiative to ask the other party if they need help),並且記得千萬別取笑他人喔(and remember not to make fun of others)。


“Could you help me?”


“Could you help me?”


“Do you need help?”


“Do you need help?”

小朋友,希望你碰到困難時,能勇於求助(I hope you will have the courage to ask for help when you encounter difficulties),千萬不要有「酸葡萄心理」喔(and don't have that "sour grapes" feeling)。

我們下次見嘍(see you next time)!


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