Minor Test Solution - 01 | Rajasthan Geography (राजस्थान का भुगोल ) | Rajendra Rathod Sir

Описание к видео Minor Test Solution - 01 | Rajasthan Geography (राजस्थान का भुगोल ) | Rajendra Rathod Sir

अरब सागरीय अपवाह तंत्र - II लूनी नदी || Rajasthan Geography (राजस्थान का भुगोल ) || Rajendra Rathod Sir
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ज्ञानकुंज एकेडमी |School lecture |1stgrade | 2ndGrade | REET | GK Current | Geography | Rajendra Rathor sir

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Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability
General Mental Ability
Decision Making and Problem Solving
Basic Numeracy – Numbers and their Relations, Orders
of Magnitude etc. (10th level)
Data Interpretation – Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data
Sufficiency etc. (10th level)
Mental Ability: Decision making and Problem-solving.
Data Interpretation, Data Sufficiency, Logical Reasoning and
Analytical Ability, Major developments in the field of
Information Technology.
Data Interpretation – Charts, Graphs, Tables, Data
sufficiency etc. (10th level)
Fundamentals of Computer: Number system, arithmetic
operations, introduction to various categories of computer
language, functional details of Input and Output devices.
Programming Fundamentals: C, C++, Java, Dot Net,
Artificial Intelligence
Machine learning, Python and Blockchain
Basic Numeracy – Numbers and their relations, Orders of
Magnitude etc. (10th level)
#computerinstructor #computeranudeshak #systemanalysisanddesign #computeranudeshakexamdate #computerinstructorexamdate #JAVAMCQ #javaprogramming #computerpedagogy #pedagogyofcomputerscience #fundamentalsofjava #javafundamentals #j


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