The Body Belongs To Itself | "My Body Belongs To Me" | Justice Embodied Against Resistances

Описание к видео The Body Belongs To Itself | "My Body Belongs To Me" | Justice Embodied Against Resistances

The Body Belongs To Itself |
"My Body Belongs To Me"
| TOTAL Justice Embodied Against Resistances

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I designed this affirmation set that honors the depths of an abolition objective to release a person's physical and emotional BODY (consent, pleasure and personal power) while keeping in mind the needs and presenting pressures of those who may have been exposed to severe traumas.

If you feel open to reflection:

+ Does your body feel genuinely like a safe space to be in? #PTSDHealing.
+ Does your identification with living in your body feel like enough to make it valuable to you?
+Who do you belong to?
+ Has your sense of agency been respected?
+ You you feel clean enough in spite of what may have been imposed on you?

While you are absolutely not to blame for manipulation or related harms which may have imposed upon you physically, may you feel enabled to heal in the direction of your most healthy, well regarded, secure and embodied self.

Of all the physical and/or anti-enmeshment related affirmation sets on this channel, this is by far the most far the most comprehensive "#HealingSubliminal" on this channel. I do hope those of you who have been victims of being misnamed, misused, mis-contracted and/or misinformed as to your discrete and specific value find comfort in a radical transformation in your thinking about yourself.

May you love and whole complete ownership over your own body in a full and complete way.
May your true coherence, stability, connectivity and willingness to live as you be restored to you 100%.
May every attempt to undermine or tamper with your consent fail.
Catastrophically, if necessary.

In divine right order you are good enough.
You belong to you.
Breathe easy.


Intentions Presented

Your body belongs to you
You are the authority over your body
Removal and rejection of external control over your state of being
You have the right to be understood as the only you
You respect the integrity of your rights
Your dignity and sense of it recalled unto you
What you are physically meant to receive is yours
Your body, your choice
You see your unique and individual choices as clean and clear enough
You learn your body in away well suited to you
Your sense of glory is self generated
Your right to declare over your body belongs to you exclusively
You see yourself as healthy
You retain all of your health related rights
Justice for health related infractions
You see your true value as belonging to you
All attempt to manipulate your sexuality to social norms or out of social norms cut off
You are your own choice uniquely
Your body naturally secures itself for itself exclusively
You passage of time well regulated in accordance with your own body
Your individual body parts are understood to you are clean and clear
7 layers of invocations blocking various forms of exploitations
Reversal of any and all harms set forth against an individuals' physical body
Your energy is understood as belonging to you
You see yourself as having the right to be healthy
You feel better understood and better represented by yourself
Removal of artificial guilts/same and understood as "well presented enough"
You see yourself as lovable enough physically and otherwise
You have the right to be physically safe enough
You are protected from various perceptive which attempt to devalue you (dozens of iterations)
Positive relationship between the body and the other aspects of the self
You have the correct advocacy for you
Healing from layers of abuse
Auric considerations healthy at all times
Healthy self perception

and MANYYY more

[WARNING - Audio intention disabled for those in active alignment with harming others and negative energies Read as WARNING Light Path Only - DO NOT LISTEN to this if you participate in Left Hand work of any kind]

ATTENTION | I want to make sure this community considers that when it comes to topics, less is more. Choose 2, 3 topics max.

This recording is intended to help you:

+dissolve major blocks
+powerfully expedite your own natural resonance to your goal
+improve your self esteem overall as it relates to this subject
+reclaim your energy for and to yourself

By Law the Legal Disclaimer:

This audio is provided for information only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

The contents of the recording are not to be considered as medical advice, and if you have any doubts or concerns about your health you are urged to seek advice from your doctor or medically qualified physician in the first instance.

Venus Essentials cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, damage or injury arising from the use of this recording or the content herein.

Copyright ⓒ 2023 Venus Essentials Subliminals™
All Rights Reserved


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