What is Hybrid Warfare?

Описание к видео What is Hybrid Warfare?

Part 1 of the "What is Hybrid Warfare?" series. This video provides a basic overview of Hybrid Warfare and the emergence of Hybrid Threats.

Is your business future-proof?

Please watch our other videos in the "What is Hybrid Warfare?" series for more information on Hybrid Threats!

Episode 2 - What is Political Warfare?:    • Видео  
Episode 3 - What is Cyber Warfare?:    • Видео  
Episode 4 - What is Kinetic Warfare?:    • Видео  

The global geopolitical landscape is rapidly changing as the 21st-century marches ever onward. The 20th-century black and white world of bipolar conflict between the USSR and United States is now consigned to the history books.

Instead, a new multi-polar world of regional and global powers is emerging.

Resurgent and emerging powers are looking to challenge the current global order maintained by a war-exhausted United States.

In order to challenge the current world order and improve their standing, states have had to adapt and change their tactics when engaging enemies.

Many have chosen to adopt a strategy of Hybrid Warfare to achieve their geostrategic goals. "Hybrid Warfare", in simple terms, is the use and combination of many different forms of warfare which have been around for millennia for full strategic effect upon an enemy.

Often a Hybrid Warfare campaign is over before the target even realises it has been begun.

In this new world of Hybrid Threats, often, businesses and critical infrastructure can be targetted as part of a wider Hybrid Campaign. Businesses can even be the target of a Hybrid Campaign themselves, making it important to not only be aware of such threats but to actively be informed of them in order to defend against them.

The future of Warfare will be fast, unpredictable, and hybrid.

Is your organisation or business ready for emerging Hybrid Threats?

This is my first ever YouTube video so excuse any poor editing.

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