Faith Investors and the Climate Emergency | Panel | Faith in the SDGs | Path to COP26

Описание к видео Faith Investors and the Climate Emergency | Panel | Faith in the SDGs | Path to COP26

What are faith investors doing to address the climate emergency? Our panel featured Azman Mokhtar (INCEIF), Lorna Gold (FaithInvest), Eric Sukumaran (OxFAIF) and Geraldine Burnett (Gatehouse Bank) with moderator Graham Burnside (UKIFC & GEFI

They discussed implementing Laudato Si, managing endowments, Islamic finance, and catalysing congregations to take practical action.

Held in partnership with the Global Ethical Finance Initiative (GEFI), the Faith in the SDGs programme looked at how faith-based finance can support the SDGs, along with separate workstreaks focused on nature, pensions and economics.

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