BJM - Straight Up And Down - APF 2012

Описание к видео BJM - Straight Up And Down - APF 2012

BJM Headlined Austin Psych Fest 2012 and put a great big exclamation point on an excellent three day weekend. This song is the wonderful classic "Straight Up And Down" -- rarely played live until the 2012 tour. In the dozen or so times that I have seen BJM, this is the first time that I have been fortunate enough to be able to hear this song.

Source audio was a bit hot for this clip too, I guess they boosted the FOH volume towards the end.

NOTE: EQ and Master Volume have been set so that the audio doesn't clip. Turn it up, play it loud and enjoy!

Recorded on an iPhone 4s with a Tascam iM2 mic. This mic is fantastic for recording loud live shows with an iPhone. Highly recommended.

Standard disclaimer: This is a fan video to help spread the word about bands I like. My recording techniques are quite crude because I want to capture the show without interfering with my view of the show and, just as importantly, the view of those around me. So it is likely that some of the camera angles are far less than ideal -- that is because I keep the camera low (out of my fellow fan's sight line) and I rarely watch the display while recording. Add to that the fact that I keep the brightness level very low on the display so that it does not bother my fellow fans enjoyment of the show and it is likely that the video is far from perfect.


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