使用whisper识别中文视频生成字幕(srt 文件) - Use Whisper to transcribe Chinese videos and generate SRT file

Описание к видео 使用whisper识别中文视频生成字幕(srt 文件) - Use Whisper to transcribe Chinese videos and generate SRT file

Use Whisper to transcribe Chinese videos and generate subtitles (SRT file)”

在macOS上 安装brew

用brew 安装uv, ffmpeg


然后uv pip安装whisper

brew install uv ffmpeg #install uv and ffmpeg

uv venv --python 3.9 # install python, but virtual env

uv pip install git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git # isntall whisper

source .venv/bin/activate.fish #Activate the virtual environment. Replace fish with your shell, whether it’s zsh, bash, or something else.

whisper /Users/tommygreen/Movies/mihomo\ party/mihomo\ party.mov --model turbo \
--language Chinese --task transcribe --output_format srt --initial_prompt "以下是普通话的句子。"


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