Top 10 Ace Combat Mission Themes, Part 1 (10-5)

Описание к видео Top 10 Ace Combat Mission Themes, Part 1 (10-5)

LINK TO PART 2:    • Top 10 Ace Combat Mission Themes, Par...  

As you might guess, I'm into Ace Combat games and its incredible music. So I felt like creating this Top List. It doesn't involve the epic final missions, but focuses on those that lead all the way to those.

This list is quite long, as I intend to show you full splendor of the tracks found in the series and most of them do not loop.

This is also the first Top List in which every entry is presented in gameplay rather than screens.

Credits go to an Ace Combatant omglolwtf66
(   / omglolwtf66  )
for making it possible by providing majority of the gameplay.

Go check his awesome playthroughs!

Gameplay for entry #7 by TheBlueLightning90
(   / thebluelightning90  )

Oh yeah, please remember that this list is entirely my opinion.
It will probably differ from others, so keep that in mind.
Watch in HD ;)

Intro theme: Sortie III (Ace Combat Zero)


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