Why Do I Keep Dreaming About My Ex: Spiritual Meaning

Описание к видео Why Do I Keep Dreaming About My Ex: Spiritual Meaning

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Dreaming of your ex with someone else can mean that you're struggling with the idea of your relationship ending, but you're also trying to move on.

When you dream about your ex with someone else, it could represent a desire for closure.

In other words, you might still be feeling strong emotions about the end of the relationship and you're looking for some sort of closure: either a way to accept it or a way to move forward from it.

If you dream of your ex with someone else and it makes you feel happy, then it could mean that you've healed from the breakup enough to start dating again.

If the vision makes you feel angry or sad instead, then this might mean that there is still some unfinished business between the two of you.

You may need to get closure before moving on completely.

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