
Описание к видео Phalaenopsis,ฟาแลนน็อปซีส,กล้วยไม้เศรษฐกิจ,ดอกใหญ่บานทน,สีสันหลากหลาย

Phalaenopsis orchids are the thick-leaved plants with elegant, arching sprays of blooms that can be seen every where
Phalaenopsis are about 60 true species of phalaenopsis; they are native to tropical Asian countries including the Thailand Myanmar Philippines, Borneo, Java and elsewhere in Southeast asia.
These plants have been extensively hybridized, and there are thousands of phalaenopsis hybrids, ranging from the stark, classic white hybrid (often called a moth orchid) to jewel-like miniatures with clouds of yellow and candy pink blooms.
Phalaenopsis are low-light orchids and will thrive in an east window, or a shaded southerly or westerly exposure. They do not like direct sunlight and will scorch.

The phalaenopsis is a monopodial orchid that grows from a single stem. It does not have the large water-storing pseudobulbs found on sympodial orchids, although its leaves can store some water. Thus, the plant has a lower tolerance for drought..
During the growing season, fertilize with a weak orchid fertilizer weekly

Generally, phalaenopsis are considered a warm house plant. During active growth, they like temperatures between about 75 and 85 degrees, but they can adapt to a normal house temperature of 65 to 70 degrees.

Phalaenopsis typically bloom in the late winter or early spring. Their long-lasting flowers are held on arching branches and open successively. A single multi-branching flower spike can have more than 20 flowers.

Potting and Media:
Phalaenopsis can be grown in most orchid potting media, including chunks of pine bark, clay aggregate pellets, charcoal, perlite, sphagnum moss, and styrofoam.
They can also be grown in hanging baskets or mounted on slabs in a greenhouse-type environment. As with all epiphytic orchids, they should be planted in free-draining containers.


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