Undertale, & Making 8-Bit Music (Without Limitation)

Описание к видео Undertale, & Making 8-Bit Music (Without Limitation)

The undertale sountrack is phenomenal, and got me curious about the world of 8-bit music and chiptune. In todays video, I look into the limitations of old video game consoles soundchips like the ricoh 2A03 (nes), I also touch on the snes. I explain pulse code modulation, and (dpcm), all while making a song of my own in the style. Hope you enjoy!

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00:00 Intro
00:43 Nes Sounchip (2A03)
1:42 Pcm & DPCM
3:27 Composing
5:10 Trackers
5:50 Soundfonts (& Snes)
7:40 Composing pt.2
9:31 Final Thoughts
12:25 Result/Outro

chiptune, 8 bit, 8 bit music, soundchip, 2a03, A203, Nintendo, NES, nes music, snes, chip tune music, chip-tune, old console, toby fox, nintendo entertainment system, Fl studio, music tutorial, composing, composer, musician, how to make chiptune, how to make 8 bit music, nes vst, soundfont, sounfonts, sampler, dpcm, pcm, audio, chrono trigger, mother 3, earthbound, 8-bit music theory, video game music, how to write music, music theory, composing lesson, ricoh 2a03, tracker, famitracker, fallen down, megalovania, video game soundtrack, soundtrack, ost, producing, producer, beats, artist, karter hillbom, karter hillborn, carter hillbom, carter hillborn


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