Bergamot Essential Oil: Best Uses + Quick How To

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Bergamot Essential Oil: Best Uses + Quick How To
Bergamot is a Plant Therapy favorite and it will soon be one of yours too. Bergamot has a citrusy scent with a hint of floral, making it unique and vibrant.

Bergamot Essential Oil ►

This uplifting essential oil not only smells amazing, it is jam-packed with incredible therapeutic properties. Bergamot is great for the skin. Use it to balance oily skin and battle teenage zits. Bergamot can also be used to ease tight muscles and provide respiratory support during times of seasonal illnesses.

Our top three ways to use Bergamot are:

One: In a personal inhaler, add a few drops of Bergamot to ease worries during times of sadness or grief.

Another way to use Bergamot is topically to balance the skin. Put a few drops of Bergamot in a tablespoon of Grapeseed Carrier Oil and apply to a clean face, to help balance skin.

And the third way to use Bergamot is by Diffusion. When seasonal illnesses come on, add a few drops to the diffuser to help relieve congestion, in order to feel better faster.

Here is an easy DIY body powder using Bergamot that will make your skin feel silky and smooth. Plus, the aroma will help boost your mind and ease your worries.

You will need:
½ cup arrowroot powder
¼ cup cornstarch
2 tablespoons baking soda

Mix Well.
Then you will add Bergamot and Patchouli. Add the essential oils a drop or two at at time and whisk as you go. You will want a total of 30 drops Bergamot and 5 drops Patchouli.
Bergamot Essential Oil ►
Patchouli Essential Oil ►

Make sure to break up any clumps that may form.

Store in an airtight container and use after a bath or shower, or anytime you need a little pampering.

With these simple uses and incredible benefits, you can see why Bergamot a favorite!

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