
Описание к видео #stationeryunboxing

Hello again! This is a late upload (and late unboxing as well tbh) of the three stationery happy mails I received for my birthday.

Apologies for the lack of subtitles. The past few days have been heartbreaking. We lost one of our babies again, and I can't even bear typing his name atm.

I know he's living his best life now in heaven so I'm truly happy for him. but it's just hard for us who are left behind.

But anyway, no more dwelling on what's passed. "Naked I came from my mother's womb, naked I shall return. The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." Job 1:21

About the mail
The first one is from ​⁠‪@katrina_atienza‬ on IG. I loooove how all the details of her penpal folder fit together. Lots of colors, but they all work together. Everything's so dainty & cute. When I first saw her post a photo of it on IG, I was thinking, I hope this letter's mine haha. Bec it had all the elements I love, like CATS, flowers, butterflies. Even the envie it came from is just too pretty. The ombrè is tdf! So imagine my joy when I opened my mail and realized God answered my prayer hehe.

Also, she gave me Lehn Shih memos. she's one of my fave artists. I hoard her stuff like crazy, so having someone gift me something by her is just...YAY! It's easy for me to share from my own collection, but I'm still working on making myself use more of them. But when it's something from my penpals, my motto has always been to use it right away, so win-win hehe.

Second one is from Yani or muskiepaups on IG. The one in the cardboard box, I actually ordered from her so I've saved it for last since it's a diff cat. Once again, so much stationery items! I'm truly touched. And just like Inah earlier, Yani gave me something from another fave artist, and that's velbe. 🤎 Love, love her work! And oh my gosh, I was stunned speechless when I saw the pink crocheted mat. Did not order that so yes, that was a HUGE surprise. Can't imagine how long it took her to do this! You bet I'll be using it in my photos everywhere hahaha

Third one is from my cousin-in-law Anj or angeliviolatee on TT. By this time, I realized that I shouldn't have opened everything on cam. You see, I enjoy opening new stationery whenever I start a new spread, so this time I saved some of her items for a future trip.

Actually, everything you see here will be part of my travel journaling supply stash. Just not sure how to pack everything. Will figure that out later.

Anyway, just like the first two, Anj also gave me one of my favorites - I don't know if you captured it, but there's a P&P quote there! Anything by Jane Austen is always a check for me hehe. Also, I have always loved textured materials. But for some reason, I just find it impossible to buy them for myself haha! And so that's why I'm always thrilled whenever I get them in stationery kits or they're gifted to me by penpals.

Last but not the least, the crocheted dove holding a leaf in its mouth. Do you recognize where it's from? I just adore this to bits! I now have it with me as a bag charm. If you'd like to order one as well or another design even, please don't hesitate to reach out to Yani!

Thank you so much, ladies. One last thing I almost forgot to mention is how humbled and happy I am that all three of them gave me a set of faith stickers.

You see, for the longest time, I've led a sinful life where I've allowed family to become my idol. It took a huge blow to make me realize that God has to be front and center for everything else to not just work and make sense but to make harmonious music.

So thank you, thank you, ladies. They're all my sisters-in-Christ as well, in the sense that we're all wanting to actively pursue God in our lives, and so I know it's no coincidence they all sent me happy mails at the same time.

If I'm not mistaken, I happen to be Anj & Inah's first penpal, and for Yani, I may be one of the first BUT I think she asked me first about penpalling years ago?

So that's no coincidence either! Maybe God is saying it would be great if the three of them would be penpals, too?! Hahaha. Hmm. I think I have an idea. But more on that next time hehehhe.

Anyway thank you guys for watching AND reading this extra long description! 😂


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