LORD KRISHNA LOVES EVERYONE? - (Hindi)? || Lila krishna Das || Atlanta

Описание к видео LORD KRISHNA LOVES EVERYONE? - (Hindi)? || Lila krishna Das || Atlanta

LORD KRISHNA LOVES EVERYONE? - (Hindi)? || Lila krishna Das || Atlanta

The Lord is the constant companion of the living entity as Paramätmã, or the Supersoul, and therefore He can understand the desires of the individual soul, as one can smell the flavor of a flower by being near it.
BG-5.15 - Purport

@TvHareKrishna @KrishnaConsciousness @bhagavadgita4life @Radheyradhey10 @HareKrishnaonYouTube @krishnakatha2387 #iskcon #newyear #radheradhe #harekrishna @lilakrishnadas. @myashraya


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