[LE] CYCLE 2 - Last Epoch Build Guide | Beastmaster Leveling Guide - Wolves & Raptor Companions

Описание к видео [LE] CYCLE 2 - Last Epoch Build Guide | Beastmaster Leveling Guide - Wolves & Raptor Companions

Last Epoch | BEASTMASTER CYCLE 2 STARTER | Wolf & Raptor Companion Leveling Guide -- Critical Strike Minions with multiple Companions! Want to have permanent Haste & Fury? Love minion builds? Want a good Cycle 2, beginner friendly guide? Love old school Pokemon or D2 Druid?! Wanna "catch em' all?" Ready to slay the Harbinger?! Look no further...

LETools | Leveling Passives/Skills (Recorded):
Loot Filter: https://www.lastepochtools.com/loot-f...

LETools | END GAME VERSION: https://www.lastepochtools.com/planne...

This is THE Cycle 2 Starter for Beastmaster! Capable of clearing up to Empowered Monoliths with only 1 unique - Artor's Legacy! Easy to start a season with. This build will shred, bite, and claw its way though all the content the game has to offer! This is a very safe and solid starter with most of the power coming from the Passive Tree and Skills themselves, but it still scales very well late game. Buff your minions with: Howl, Berserk, Rampage, Shark/Lynx/Boar/Viper Aspects! Feel tanky as you leap with fury from pack to pack and release your rage with a warcry upon your enemies! Best part too, is that it can transition to ANY of the other Beastmaster builds--Sabertooth, Squirrels, Bees, Wolves, or Zoo!

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0:00 - Intro
0:59 - Beastmaster Basics
2:01 - Levels 1-17
5:12 - Levels 17-35
9:11 - Levels 35-55
11:11 - Level 55+

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