CGRundertow - WARTECH: SENKO NO RONDE for Xbox 360 Video Game Review

Описание к видео CGRundertow - WARTECH: SENKO NO RONDE for Xbox 360 Video Game Review

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of WarTech: Senko no Ronde from G.rev and Ubisoft for the Xbox 360. WarTech is actually an enhanced port of the Japanese arcade game Senko no Ronde, hence the subtitle. For obvious marketing reasons, Ubisoft arbitrarily gave Senko no Ronde a nice, vague, American-sounding title. It makes sense, but that's about the only thing in WarTech that does. This game is a hybrid of hybrids. It's an arcade-brawler mixed with a shooter, which often morphs into the latter entirely. If there were any kind of logical narrative, it might be easier to explain what this game is about. This video review features video gameplay footage of WarTech: Senko no Ronde for the Xbox 360 and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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