Golden Spice Restaurant ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC

Описание к видео Golden Spice Restaurant ♥ The Sims 4: Speed Build // CC

♥ Hi guys, Today I am building a Luxurious Restaurant in SanMyshuno. Please make sure to turn on bb.moveobjects on!

0:01 Intro
1:24 Speed Build
16:08 Photos

♥ Lot Details:
Lot Name: The Golden Spice Restaurant
Lot size: 30x30
Location: San Myshuno

TOOL MOD by TwistedMexi

Note: I have all parts of all sets in this list, so I highly recommend you guys dl them since I frequently use them in all my builds!
Awingedllama: Boho Living, Blooming Rooms
Lili’s Palace: Budapest Coffee house set
House of Harlix: Baysic, Harluxe
CharlyPancakes: M&S Construction pt 1
Felixandre: Colonial pt 3, Florence Set pt 1, Grove Pt 4, Kyoto pt 2, London Interior, Shop the Look Season 2
Harrie: Brownstone Collection, Kwatei, Octave pt 2, Jardane
Kiwisim4: Blockhouse
LittleDica: Rise&Grind
MadameRia: Basical Luxe kItchen
Myshunosun: Dawn Living
Peacemaker: Ether, Hinterlands, Kingston Dining, Kitayama Living, Pointless Renovation, Terra Tiles
Pierisim: Auntie Vera Bathroom, COldbrew, Davids Apartment, Domaine Du Clos, Maison Meuliere, MCM, Oak house, Winter Garden
Max20: Poolside lounge pack
Sixam: Artz Living Room
TheClutterCat: Sunny Sundae
Taurus Design: Eliza bedroom, Lilith Chilling Areas
Thetowniearchitect: Moderno Collection
Tuds: Cave, Ind, NCTR

♥ Origin ID: Applez
♥ Twitter: Rheya28__
♥ Tiktok: Rheya28__
♥ Tumblr:   / rheya28  
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