ARE YOU HOT? (Funny Uber Rides)

Описание к видео ARE YOU HOT? (Funny Uber Rides)

Haven't uploaded in 4+ months cause i lost my external hard drive (which had all my videos on it) but i have found it!😅

Ubering and Lyfting during the Vols vs Alabama.If you want to pick up chicks all you need is lights bro, just lights. Waman love lights. If you're not going to subscribe to me, at least go SUBSCRIBE TO PEWDIEPIE!
** Passengers gave consent to be recorded fam**

Anyways I lied about the uploading 3 times a month. My foreign ass can't be staring at this screen all day so it's going to be more like 1..maybe 2 a month.If y'all peasants behave.


SNAPCHAT- uglyass_boi69


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