Timofei Dokshizer plays Rubinstein, Sarasate, Shchedrin, Shostakovich, Kreisler, Chopin - video

Описание к видео Timofei Dokshizer plays Rubinstein, Sarasate, Shchedrin, Shostakovich, Kreisler, Chopin - video

A 1974 video of Timofei Dokshizer playing a wide selection of composers. Timing and pieces below. The visual design of this recording is outstanding -- worthy of being mentioned alongside the famous Weissenberg Petrushka video. The pianist is V. Pushechnikov.

00:00 - Anton Rubinstein - Melody
02:35 - Pablo de Sarasate - Zigeunerweisen
08:41 - Rodion Shchedrin - In the style of Albeniz
12:06 - Dmitri Shostakovich - Three Fantastic Dances
15:41 - Fritz Kreisler - Three Waltzes
23:29 - Frederic Chopin - Prelude no. 4
25:23 - Zdenek Fibich - Poem

Тимофей Докшицер - Рубинштейн - Сарасате - Щедрин - Шостакович - Крейслер - Шопен - Фибих - Timofei Dokschitzer - Dokschizer - Dokchitser - Timofey


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