Goal Clarity Will Always Equal Goal Speed | Build With Rob EP 90

Описание к видео Goal Clarity Will Always Equal Goal Speed | Build With Rob EP 90

The more you understand about your goals, the faster you can realize them.

There is a very direct correlation between the holistic understanding of your goals and the speed at which they can be achieved. The more you know about every aspect of your goals, the more likely you are to bring them to life. An issue that many people run into is setting a plan to achieving a goal without full knowledge of the challenges that lie ahead, and only understand the faults in that plan when it becomes clear it’s not going to work and it’s too late to pivot. Similarly, we can grind out a goal blindly moment to moment without a full perspective on how to accelerate progress, and that becomes draining. The key is to put in the effort, time and energy into understanding every possible nuance of your goals up front until it becomes incredibly clear as to how it can be achieved.

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