Stephen King's GRAY MATTER -- What Happened that Night?

Описание к видео Stephen King's GRAY MATTER -- What Happened that Night?

#stephenking #horrorstories #nightshift

Thanks so much to everyone who has joined our channel this year! We just passed 1000 subscribers, and I couldn't (of course) have done that without your constant viewership. Thanks for helping me celebrate the work of this amazing author!

Tonight's video is another (fake) TRUE CRIME PODCAST that explores the Case of the Gray Matter incident... based upon King's short story "GREY MATTER" from his collection NIGHT SHIFT.

Since the horror story ends with a cliffhanger of the "Lady or the Tiger" variety, I thought it would be fun to come up with my own ending...

But what about you? Have you read GRAY MATTER (or listened to the audiobook?) If so, what do you think happens at the end? Does Henry Parmalee triumph? Is the thing known as Richie Grenadine vanquished? Or are we all doomed?


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