PIANO LESSONS by PORCUPINE TREE (original drums by Chris Maitland)

Описание к видео PIANO LESSONS by PORCUPINE TREE (original drums by Chris Maitland)

‪@PorcupineTreeOfficial‬ #porcupinetree #chrismaitland #pianolessons #stupiddream

DONATE: https://www.paypal.me/UrmuzVagnoni

Before Gavin Harrison there was Chris Maitland, a great drummer that nobody pays tribute to anymore. And it's a shame... because the "Maitland Era" - so to speak - is when Porcupine Tree released the most charming and visionary albums of their career, like Stupid Dream. And great pop songs like this are pure gems in terms of writing, arranging and performing. The drumming is simple without being dull. Pop/Rock music at its best.

No editing, no trigger, all done in one take (all mistakes kept, nothing has been fixed)

Cymbals: ‪@PaisteChannel‬
Drum heads: ‪@remopercussion‬
Snare: ‪@Sempiternvs-Snare-Drum‬

WEBSITE: https://alessandrovagnoni2.wixsite.co...

For remote live sessions I also work in ‪@Soundbetter‬ , you can find me here: https://soundbetter.com/profiles/1153...


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