The Media Myth Hamburger Hill A Shau Valley May 1969: the true story--real footage

Описание к видео The Media Myth Hamburger Hill A Shau Valley May 1969: the true story--real footage

The battle for Hamburger Hill has been deeply distorted by media bias and historical reality disfigured to produce a media myth.
The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a battle of the Vietnam War that was fought by the United States and South Vietnam against North Vietnamese forces from May 10–20, 1969 It was part of Operation Apache Snow conducted by the 101st Airborne division in the A Shau valley of South Vietnam west of the ancient capital Hue. Media reporting in the United States misreported the truth of the battle, its aims, conduct and outcomes in in the process created a self-serving myth that has lasted up to the current day. In this film, I seek to present the truth regarding the battle and so restore the reputations of many U.S. servicemen. There are important lessons in this in terms of media power and the need to be very careful and not gullible in swallowing biased reporting. In truth, the 3/187 battalion of the 101 Airborne and other units both U.S. and South Vietnamese defeated in detail the elite 95th Regiment of the NVA, annihilating both its 7th and 8th battalions as an effective fighting force. The level of professionalism was of a very high order. This film has actual footage of the battle and an interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Honeycutt on Dong Ap Bia during the battle.
The Battle of Hamburger Hill was a battle of the Vietnam War that was fought by the United States and South Vietnam against North Vietnamese forces from May 10–20, 1969 It was part of Operation Apache Snow conducted by the 101st Airborne division in the A Shau valley of South Vietnam west of the ancient capital Hue. Media reporting in the United States misreported the truth of the battle, its aims, conduct and outcomes in in the process created a self-serving myth that has lasted up to the current day. In this film, I seek to present the truth regarding the battle and so restore the reputations of many U.S. servicemen. There are important lessons in this in terms of media power and the need to be very careful and not gullible in swallowing biased reporting. In truth, the 3/187 battalion of the 101 Airborne and other units both U.S. and South Vietnamese defeated in detail the elite 29th Regiment of the NVA, annihilating both its 7th and 8th battalions as an effective fighting force. The reality is far from the fictionalized Hollywood account Hamburger Hill which as a movie is very far from the truth.The level of professionalism during the battle was of a very high order. This film has actual footage of the battle and an interview with Lieutenant-Colonel Honeycutt on Dong Ap Bia during the battle. Compare this with Hollywood fiction.


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