Myths of Special Needs Planning

Описание к видео Myths of Special Needs Planning

Sometimes something that is “common knowledge” is just a myth, and myths are prevalent in estate planning for special needs beneficiaries. In this outtake from a recent webinar, Jeffrey G. Marsocci, also known as The Plain English Attorney™, goes over three of the most prevalent myths that sometimes even infect the legal profession.

The Clever Attorney    • The Story of the Clever Attorney  
Worse Than Probate?    • Worse Than Probate?  

Estate Planning Playlist:    • Estate Planning  
Medicaid Planning Playlist:    • Medicaid Planning  
Special Needs Estate Planning Playlist:    • Special Needs Planning  
Professional Series Playlist:    • Professional Series  
Financial and Insurance Planning Playlist:    • Financial and Insurance Planning  

The Six Keys to Successfully Planning Your Estate. Get organized in planning your estate through this FREE REPORT before you start spending hundreds of dollars an hour with an attorney.

Estate Crash Course. What is probate? What’s the difference between a Will and a Revocable Living Trust? What are the big decisions I need to make? There’s a lot of information, misinformation, and folk remedies out there, but I cut through all of that to explain the basics of estate planning in plain English, long before you step foot into the attorney’s office to work on your specific goals and objectives.

Trust Funding Course. It’s not enough to just have a revocable living trust and not ensure that your assets are coordinated with it to avoid probate. It’s like having the world’s best suitcase for your dream vacation, but failing to pack everything you need. In this course, I break down the basics of “trust funding,” how different types of assets should be treated, and I even run through some generic examples to show you how to approach specific financial institution forms. Trust funding doesn’t have to be a complicated mess when you know the basics and reasoning behind the different techniques.

Special Needs Planning Crash Course. There are very few areas of estate planning more fraught with risk than trying to plan an inheritance for a special needs beneficiary… if you don’t know the basics. What can or should you leave directly to a special needs beneficiary? Should you use a separate Special Needs Trust, or is there a better way? What about planning for other beneficiaries? In this course, I cover the ins and outs of holistically planning an estate with a special needs beneficiary in ways that DON’T jeopardize Medicaid and other benefits. http://www.specialneedsplanningcrashc....

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