Lost in Nightmares [KS]

Описание к видео Lost in Nightmares [KS]

Last episode of chapter one. KS stands for Karma Soldier, silly. Don't forget about the like button. It still exists.

Time has passed since the invasion of the Shades base, and after which, Karma Soldier has been long preparing his followers and himself against rising evil...however, Lord DeGroot himself has been gathering tricks up his sleeves. As Karma Soldier has feared, the demonic subordinate has mastered the Crimson Power, an ability that allows users to temporarily gain extraordinary enhancements...

Proving to be loyal and efficient, the Karma Solider is able to grant his followers a similar power. Both the green sniper and spy have been honored, but the sniper began suffering migraines, memory loss and even blackouts since the honoring. Strangely, it seems to be beyond the Karma Soldier's healing ability...

Having high enough good karma and loyalty, the green spy was given the great honor to receive supernatural power of light by the Karma Soldier. In addition to his combat with light, the spy dedicated himself to aiding the morale of the team and spreading the word of Karma Soldier. For this, he became credited as the Illuminant Man.

The night before the Karma alliance launched another attack at Lord DeGroot, the green sniper finds himself lost in a reality beyond the normal realm...lost in nightmares.

Wondering about the "Character Standings" at the end? I have planned in allowing the audience to assume the role of one or more characters in the series to lead to multiple endings. Yes, that's right, there will probably be multiple endings. But fear not! There is one true ending at the end of the series, no matter which ending the audience steers the series into. For now, I have planned to cast a vote at the end of each video, which will decide the fate of the series each episode. Once the ending has been reached (by the audience) all of the other endings will be revealed, which you will be able to view by revisiting previous episodes and making a different choice (there will be linking annotations at that point).

Why do that? Because it will be interesting to see what the audience sees. Will you be able to decide the best fate for the characters? Maybe. Making the right choice may not be easy...

I will not guarantee this voting thing will happen. I may just add linking annotations after the true ending is revealed, you know, to keep things simple?

Music used (in order)
1. Resident Evil Remake: Underground Laboratory
2. Dead Rising: Disquiet
3. Timesplitters Future Perfect: What Lies Below
4. Resident Evil Remake: Zombie Attack
5. Resident Evil 4: Ganado 1
6. Resident Evil Remake: Safe Room
7. (In the sniper's flashback) Timesplitters 2: Planet X
8. Borderlands: Fyrestone
9. Falling Down OST: Pacific Ocean
10. Tomb Raider 2: Venice Violins
11. Twisted Metal Head On: Bonus Level
12. Resident Evil 5: Unidentified Threat
13. Resident Evil 5: Majini V
14. Resident Evil (Movie OST): Finding Matt or something
15. Resident Evil 5: Majini II
16. Half-Life 2: Song16
17. Half-Life 2: Song14
18. Half-Life 2: Song05

-Approximately 5 mins of video has been moved for another episode, shortening this video to 10mins.
-My animation styles constantly change throughout the video.
-The soundtrack composes of mostly Resident Evil OST...because I really like Resident Evil OST,ok?


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