Class 11 – Introduction to Google Sprint

Описание к видео Class 11 – Introduction to Google Sprint

With the goIT program, our goal is to demystify computer science and help students gain the skills and confidence required to pursue STEM degrees—and become tomorrow’s technology leaders.
GoIT is an experiential and immersive program. Middle and high school students get hands-on technology education, by working in teams to tackle icon-based programming languages and design challenges as they collaborate to build an App.
TCS Brazil signed a partnership agreement with the Education Department of São Paulo State Government, Brazil, to take IT knowledge to about 190,000 students and teachers of primary and secondary education through the TCS goIT programme.
Students will have access to the TCS virtual learning platform, Campus Commune, and periodic meetings with specialists. Besides providing the content the specialists will answer questions and assist on the development of a final project and help in creating an application focused in their regional market.
Most part of the work to build an App is programming. However you need to define some functional aspects for your App, such as: what the App will do, for who you are building the App, what kind of resources the App will have, and others. This creation looks simple, but it is not. It is necessary to define a creation process and prototyping your App.
For it, we will use the Design Sprint. This is an informal and fast way to tangibilize an idea, a product, your implementations and functionality. Work hard in five days, collecting business strategy practices, innovation, behavior science and design thinking.
In the next 6 lessons, Cristiano Silva, TCS Brazil Client Partner, will present this methodology to you. Lessons summarize how to apply the method, so you will need to study a little and define some activities to apply the methodology in each of the five days.


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