Family and Football History: The Couplands, Dumfries & Queen of the South FC

Описание к видео Family and Football History: The Couplands, Dumfries & Queen of the South FC

Let me take you on a journey...

Robbie Boyd takes you on a personal journey of self identification through family, place and football. With the help of a professional genealogist. Robbie tracks down his family tree, including more findings on a footballing front. Robbie presents a timeline of events from the beginning of his family connection in Dumfries intertwined with the hand his family lay in helping found Queen of the South FC, and how since that day there will always be a Coupland and Queens connection.

So wether youre into family history, from Dumfries or a Queens fan, even if not, and youre interested to find out more. This is the documentary for you.

All external materials that have not been film ed or recorded by myself have been shown in the best light with no slander or libel attached and is protected under the fair dealings act (2014)


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