Enable Siri Pro Mode: Make Siri Super Smart with ChatGPT on MacOS & Apple Watch - Siri and Chat GPT

Описание к видео Enable Siri Pro Mode: Make Siri Super Smart with ChatGPT on MacOS & Apple Watch - Siri and Chat GPT

Enable Siri Pro Mode by Siri super smart with open ai and chat GPT (Siri and ChatGPT)
This shortcut can be used across all your apple devices, be it your Mac, iPad, iPod, Homepod and even your watch. I show you step-by-step how to integrate chatgpt into a Shortcut so Siri becomes Smart Siri on all your apple devices.

Siri has been around a long time, but could be a lot better. In this video I show you how to use Open AI GPT Chat directly on your device as your new assistant. Chat GPT and OpenAI have become an incredible tool and even Bing is integrating it into search now.

#Siri #chatgpt #Apple #openai

🔗 OpenAI API - https://beta.openai.com/account/api-keys or
🔗 https://openai.com/api/

Link to Smart Siri Shortcut:
🔗 https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/0d26...

🔗 Backup link:

🚀 Videos to free up some space on C drive:
🔗 How to Free Up Disk Space on Windows 10 Without Software | No Software required to Clean C Drive -    • Ultimate guide to Free Up Disk Space ...  
🔗 To watch the most advanced method to free up space on your windows 10/7/8 computers, watch my previous video,
   • How to Free Up Disk Space on Windows ...  

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Stay tuned for more such amazing videos to improve your everyday interaction with computers 😊

💯Connect with me on Insta @sai_yr


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