Karen Goes Ballistic After Having Her Aisle Seat Changed | Police Cam Encounters

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Karen Goes Ballistic After Having Her Aisle Seat Changed | Police Cam Encounters

@Police Cam Encounters obtained body cam footage of an incident where a woman was arrested and faces multiple charges after being accused of causing a disturbance aboard a plane at Salt Lake City International Airport.
The commotion forced the airline to deplane all passengers in the affected flight to safely remove the suspect.
When police arrived at the gate, they witnessed the woman yelling and arguing with an airline supervisor in the gate area. The airline had refunded her ticket and revoked her flying privileges at the time.

Officials say when asked to leave the airport, the woman refused to cooperate and snatched her ID card away from an officer who was holding it at the time. While attempting to arrest her, police say she refused to put her hands behind her back and resisted a peaceful arrest.

#policecamencounters #police #bodycam


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