Plastic Invasion : Endangering Our Food Chain & Dipor Bil's Future|

Описание к видео Plastic Invasion : Endangering Our Food Chain & Dipor Bil's Future|

In this eye-opening video, we delve into the critical issue of plastic pollution and its devastating impact on our environment. From the smallest creatures in the food chain to the vast ecosystems like Dipor Bil, plastics are wreaking havoc in ways we can no longer ignore.

Join us as we explore how plastic waste infiltrates our food chain, endangering wildlife and human health alike. We’ll take a closer look at Dipor Bil, a vital wetland in Guwahati, and how it’s suffering from the mounting threat of plastic pollution. Discover the urgent need for change and learn how you can contribute to protecting our environment and preserving these precious ecosystems.

Together, we can make a difference. Let’s fight plastic pollution and safeguard our planet’s future.
#guwahati , #azara , #diporbil ,#microplastics , #reducewaste ,#saynotoplasticbags #stopplasticpollution


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