Choosing Religious Atrocities in Ireland

Описание к видео Choosing Religious Atrocities in Ireland

Nowhere in Europe have the wars of religion lasted longer than in Ireland. Why has the partisan memorialisation of religious atrocity proved so durable?

A lecture by Alec Ryrie, Gresham Professor of Divinity
1 April 2020 6:00pm UK Time

Nowhere in Europe have the wars of religion lasted longer than in Ireland. At the heart of this are two rival sets of memories of atrocities: above all, Protestants recall the massacres of the 1641 rebellion, and Catholics recall the massacres perpetrated by Oliver Cromwell in 1649. As well as setting these competing narratives into their wider context, this lecture will ask why the partisan memorialisation of religious atrocity in Ireland has proved so exceptionally durable.

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