Entrepreneurs Habits - the good, the bad and the ugly

Описание к видео Entrepreneurs Habits - the good, the bad and the ugly

We are creatures of habit, in fact 40% of everything we do on a daily basis is habitual. So if you want to improve yourself you should ensure that your habits are positive ones that will empower you to be a better person. Just think of the amount of time you spend on your daily routines and then consider if your habits help you or hinder you.

According to Aristotle; you are the sum of our actions, and therefore your habits make all the difference. These wise words still hold true today; so do not let bad habits rule your life as this could hinder you from achieving your true potential.

In this video I will summarise the most common habits of successful entrepreneurs as well as tips on how to avoid some bad ones. All habits can be learnt and can be introduced into your daily routine. Successful people are simply an embodiment of their successful habits.

Reading seems to be the most common thread amongst most successful entrepreneurs. They make time to read books. Managerial, finance and business related books. Bill Gates tells us that he reads on average one book a week. The link between reading and successful entrepreneurs is too strong to ignore.

Another important habit of successful entrepreneur is their health. By taking care of their physical wellbeing by exercising and eating healthy they live by the manta a healthy body is a healthy mind. Healthy choices convert to a productive lifestyle. I love this quote from Mahatma Gandi where he says; health is the real wealth not pieces of gold and silver.

Planning your day also seems such an obvious habit but without this daily routine you just won’t be focused, and your tasks will not be prioritized which will lead to time wastage. Each day should be planned with specific measurable goals, a “to do list” for each day. This should include ideas and goals which should be written down.

Money Management is another fundamental habit you need to master if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. It is understanding the importants of cashflow and knowing that every Rand spent is either taking you closer or further away from your financial goal. It is also having a clear understanding that turnover is vanity, profit is sanity, cashflow is a reality.

Sadly, many of us have developed some bad habits, such excessive use of mobile phones or unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking too much, eating unhealthy foods, gossiping, not knowing when to say no and the list can go on. The crazy thing is that we are all aware that these bad habits are doing us harm, yet we continue to indulge in them, so the real question is why?

The short answer, according to experts is that we do not have the emotional coping skills to stop the bad habits. This is because the pressure of our daily lives is simply too much for us to handle so we turn to these unhealthy habits as a coping mechanism. Our subconscious mind also inadvertently promotes behaviour which has been repeated over the years, so if the habit is a bad one, then this will be the default behaviour. The trigger points for the bad habits are usually emotional triggers such as stress, insecurity, boredom, rage or resentment.

So, how do we get rid of bad habits? In short you need to retrain your brain to change your way of thinking. For starters, identify the bad habit – write it down as well as the negative effect it has on you; at the same time also write down the positive habits you have or would like to start and how this will benefit you.

By writing down the good and the bad habits you have emphasised them which will start forcing both your conscious and subconscious mind away for the bad habits towards habits that empower you.

You should also track the time spent on your behaviour. This can be done in many ways; for example. If your bad habit is excessive time spent on your mobile phone then there are some very useful phone apps that will monitor your time spend and help you limit and understand the amount of time wasted on it.

Try and make it difficult to indulge in the bad habit by introducing boundaries or hurdles such and placing your cell phone in another room. And finally reward or punish yourself for good or bad habits as this is a physical reminder to help you on the path to successful habits which will ultimately change you to be a healthy, happier and more successful individual.

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