
Описание к видео All-Frequent

My Platform, my Frequency. It rings out across the universe. Just as the Void itself abhors the Frequency, the All-Frequent abhors the Void orders of magnitude more. We are the last divider betwixt the Voidcracked walls of our universes and the very existence of our homes. The Frequency is oftentimes not safe from the Void, but the Void will absolutely never be safe from the fury of the enraged All-Frequent if they dare set a single foot inside our domain.

"Your name... It is Sarah? Or is it Marianne? What kind of a name is Resonance? Ah, it must be Eve. No? Then what about Bianca? Oh, for goodness' sake -- how many titles can your Platform withstand?

...I see. Your Frequency is that of every living being with a Platform in this universe combined, but it acts as a beacon to the others like yourself across the multiverse.

...Too many of your existences speak to me at one time.
Please, young one... stifle your power. It deafens me..."

- The Listener, to Ollie


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