Moments 时光倾城 EP1 | 新传媒新加坡电视剧

Описание к видео Moments 时光倾城 EP1 | 新传媒新加坡电视剧

A century ago, Guo An prophesised the birth of another immortal. In the present day, Yue Xin aids others with her mysterious power while longing for He Feng---their destiny became entwined when her father Chun Fa met Guo An and believed his prophecy. Guo An reveals the cause of Chun Fa's wife's death and helps him reconcile with Yue Xin. Chun Fa dies in a bizarre accident that implicates He Feng.百年前,神秘的郭安展现了死而复生的能力,预言未来将有另一位长生不死者的诞生。多年后,月心以神秘力量助人,却念念不忘禾风。他俩的缘分从春发遇见神秘人郭安,并相信他的预言开始。郭安揭示了春发妻子死亡的真相,助他修补与女儿月心的关系,但一切似乎逆势而行,春发在一场不寻常的意外中死去,禾风也卷入其中……


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