Why you'll enjoy computer science at University: Ana Dolinar

Описание к видео Why you'll enjoy computer science at University: Ana Dolinar

I believe everyone should be offered the same opportunities to study computer science at university (or indeed any subject). Yet, the proportion of our applicants in terms of race, gender, social class, country of origin and so forth do not match those in the general population. The problem is not primarily at the admissions stage: we can only admit from those who apply! To increase the diversity among the applicants I am recording a series of video interviews with brilliant computer scientists who enjoy what they do but don't match the stereotype of the computer science student. If it's easier for you to identify with them than with me, perhaps the message will get across more easily. We don't care where you are from or what you look like: we only care about your brain! If you're smart and you like an intellectual challenge then be brave, believe in yourself, apply for a place (at Trinity College, Cambridge if you wish to become my student---but there are also many other great colleges in Cambridge and great CS departments around the world) and you might end up enjoying CS much more than you imagined.

If you are a school teacher, show these videos to your pupils and encourage them not to fear the fact that they might be part of a minority. There are competent and successful computer scientists across all boundaries.

In this video we hear from my Trinity student Ana Dolinar, who just finished the second year of her computer science degree at the University of Cambridge.

I strongly encourage you to subscribe, to be notified about the other videos in this ongoing series about getting into Cambridge, for which I am recording a variety of interviews with interesting computer scientists at all levels:
   • Getting into Cambridge to do Computer...  

Undergraduate admissions: Department of Computer Science and Technology

Undergraduate admissions: Trinity College, Cambridge

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